
How to be Empowered Through Perimenopause: A Fitness Journey

As women navigate the diverse landscapes of life, there comes a pivotal moment when the body undergoes significant changes, ushering in the perimenopausal phase. This transformative period, marked by hormonal fluctuations and physical shifts, often challenges maintaining fitness and well-being. Yet, it’s also a time of empowerment, self-discovery, and resilience. This article explores how fitness during perimenopause reclaims yourself, provides countless benefits, sets up future years, and, in many ways, helps to defy societal expectations.

The Perimenopausal Shift

For many women, perimenopause signals the onset of various physical and emotional changes. Hormonal fluctuations, particularly a decline in estrogen levels, can contribute to weight gain, decreased bone density, and altered sleep patterns. These changes and societal misconceptions about aging can impact a woman’s self-esteem and well-being. The irony is that it should be a time and age where you should be more connected to your true self, yet you feel like a stranger in your own body.

My journey
It first started after I turned 45. It was nothing specific; the subtly snuck up out of nowhere. As an active mother of two, I found the once-energetic woman; I began experiencing fatigue, mood swings, and a sense of disconnect from my body. Doctors just shrugged; it was a change of life. The things I never had to worry about before became a daily struggle.

I started to look for ways to cope not just for physical transformation but also for mental and emotional well-being. Do I claim to have all the answers? No. I am far from it; the journey is ongoing and developing as I type. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is something I will look at later in my life, but for the time being, the approach will be through health and fitness. Please research and talk to your healthcare provider to see what works best for you and your needs.

Some of My Key Learnings

Rediscovering Joy Through Movement, A Move to Strength Training

The rediscovery of the joy of movement, all and different kinds. Being involved in sports, cardio was always the go-to, never weights, that was for the gym junkies; however, something had changed. From yoga to strength training, I had to shift my thinking. I found mobility and strength training was what helped me. Both promote overall health and well-being, particularly during perimenopause. As women go through this transitional phase marked by hormonal changes, incorporating strength training into their fitness routine can offer numerous benefits, such as bone health, muscle mass and help with metabolism. Most of all, it helped to foster a sense of empowerment and control.

During the pandemic, I built up some basic home weights, resistant bands, and kettlebells. I also downloaded an app to help me on my journey to keep me honest. I like to walk, so bare minimum, I walk for 20-30 mins most days. Tailoring your workouts to suit your needs may help you stay motivated and keep you moving. Movement is medicine, and here are some products I used to get you started (I built up over time).

Taking a Holistic Wellness: Mind, Body, and Spirit

Monkey mind. That is the best way to describe my thinking, so I recognize the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Meditation, mindfulness, and stress management became integral to my daily routine. These practices not only helped alleviate perimenopausal symptoms but also contributed to a more positive outlook on life with a more calm and serene approach. Here are some of the practices that help me:

“When something is bothering you―a person is bugging you, a situation is irritating you, or physical pain is troubling you―you must work with your mind, and that is done through meditation. Working with our mind is the only means through which we’ll actually begin to feel happy and contented with the world that we live in.” ―Pema Chödrön

Nutrition as Fuel for Transformation

Understanding the impact of nutrition on my body, as the older I got, the more mindful I had to be, I revamped my diet. Eating nutrient-dense foods (limited fast food, takeaways and sugar) and incorporating essential vitamins and minerals helped manage weight fluctuations and boost energy levels. Prioritising protein in my diet was also crucial to helping build muscle and gave me a sense of fullness for longer, and I supplemented it with protein shakes and vitamins. A well-balanced diet was crucial in supporting my perimenopausal journey.

Supportive Community: Strength in Sisterhood

Embarking on a fitness journey can be daunting, but try to find strength in building a supportive community. Connecting with like-minded women undergoing similar experiences may help with encouragement, motivation, and camaraderie. Social media can help find an online community or tap into family and friends. We all go through it, in different ways, and the more we talk about it, the more we normalise this stage in life.

Embracing the Aging Process with Grace; Change of Attitude

Rather than succumbing to societal pressures and age-related stereotypes, embrace the aging process head-on. I felt comfortable stopping dyeing my hair and gaining confidence where I could. Perimenopause is not a barrier but an opportunity for growth, resilience, and a renewed sense of self. This is your time.

Perimenopause is not a Barrier.

The journey through perimenopause showcases the transformative power of fitness in a woman’s life. Embracing movement, holistic wellness, nutrition, community support, and personalized workouts helped me to gain control over a situation that I felt was spiralling. Each journey is unique, and there is no magic pill; use your curiosity to fuel you forward.

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